Pam Stufflebeam- Attendance Secretary

Office Hours
Monday – Friday : 7:30-2:30pm

To excuse absences, call or send and email within two weeks of the absence

Attendance Procedures

In order to maximize student learning, students should be in class and persistent in their learning. Studies have shown that when students miss more than 10% of class time, learning and long-term education sharply decline. The purpose of the attendance policy is to encourage students to be in class as much as possible, and to alert teachers, staff, parents, and students when the student is approaching a danger zone. We will be rewarding and recognizing students with excellent attendance periodically throughout the school year.

*Students are encouraged to make up attendance infractions quickly with their teachers in the classroom.  This allows for more specific instruction and learning recovery.  Make-up credit for a given class period must be done with the teacher of that specific period, and must be made up within 2 weeks of the end of the term.



Excused/Unexcused Attendance


Excused Absences and Tardies

Parents may excuse a student’s absence by a signed note, calling the attendance office or through Skyward online attendance. Absences should be excused within 10 school days (two weeks). A tardy is defined as when a student is late to class within the first 20 minutes of class time. After a student is 20 minutes late, the student is marked absent. 

Unexcused Absences and Truancies

A truancy is a confirmed absence from school or class without prior parent approval and is determined by the school’s administration. Confirmed truancies cannot be excused by a parent. Additionally, students who leave class early without being properly checked-out by a parent or guardian will be considered truant.

Pre-Approved Absences

Pre-approved Requests

Students are strongly encouraged to obtain pre-absence approval for missed classes.   Arranging absence make-up before they happen shows responsibility and dependability.  This includes a short form to be filled out after discussions with each of the student’s teachers. These forms are located in the attendance office or on the school website and should be filled out and turned in at least one week prior to the absence/s. Pre-approved absences do affect perfect attendance recognition.



Skyward Parent Excusal Procedures


Skyward Online Excusal 

We are so excited to let you know that parents can know excuse student absences online via the skyward app. Please note that this is only for full day absences and not for tardies.  Attached are step by step directions as well as a link to an online tutorial. If you have any questions or need to be reminded of your Skyward login, please stop by or call the attendance office.