Advanced Placement courses are rigorous courses in many different curriculums that give students an opportunity to excel in advanced learning, prepare for the rigors of college study, and demonstrate proficiency on a college level. Further, Advanced Placement classes prepare students to take a standardized test in May to earn college credit. Students who score 3, 4, or 5 on an AP test earn college credit. Each college and university determine how credit is given. These credits are transferable nationwide. These classes offer both high school and college credit.
American Fork offers a broad selection of AP courses to benefit students in their many interests. Universities and colleges weight AP courses favorably because they challenge students to excel. Additional credits and recognition are available for students who take multiple AP courses and pass with a 3 or higher including the AP Scholar, AP Scholar with Honor, and AP Scholar with Distinction. Further, Beginning in the fall 2022-2023 the AP Capstone courses will be available at AFHS allowing students to earn an AP Capstone diploma or AP Seminar and Research Certificate.
This is an advanced studio class; students must have a B average. The student will complete 25-30 pieces of work for the portfolio. Some may be from other class studies. Many different art media will be explored such as acrylic, watercolor, oil painting, pen and ink, and relief printmaking. It is structured to enable the student to pass the AP Art Portfolio exam. Expect to pay approx. $50.00 for project materials
AP Art History is a fast paced introductory college-level art history course that covers a broad spectrum of art across the globe throughout human history. This class will help you learn to analyze and compare works of art through themes like historical context, religious meaning, the impact of materials, processes, and techniques on art and art making, and the purpose and audience for pieces of art. This class complements AP US History, AP European History, AP World History, and AP Art well, and it is also a great class for incoming sophomores ready to dive into AP courses. It is an enriching and rewarding class that will deepen your knowledge and appreciation for human creativity, but it is hard work and consistently requires at least two hours a week of homework. Students must be self-motivated and dependable to thrive in the class.”
This is a college level course with college credit up to 8 semester hours (depending on score) for those who pass the advanced placement examination in May. This is a laboratory, field work, and lecture course. It is a good choice for a student who anticipates a career in science or medicine. Students can register for concurrent enrollment (Bio 1610) through UVU. Teacher approval required for sophomores.
AP Calculus AB is an introductory college-level calculus course. Students cultivate their understanding of differential and integral calculus through engaging with real-world problems represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally and using definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions as they explore concepts like change, limits, and the analysis of functions.
In AP Calculus AB, you can expect to have homework after most class periods that should take approximately 30 min per day. Studying and extra practice outside of class time is necessary to pass the AP exam. With a score of 3 on the AP exam, students typically earn 4 college credits (for College Algebra) and a 3 qualifies a student to take Calculus 1 in college. For a score of 4 or 5, 8 college credits may be earned (4 for College Algebra and 4 for Calculus 1) and students are prepared and qualified to take Calculus 2 in college. For exact college credit given, PLEASE CONFIRM with individual college requirements and expectations, as they may vary by school. This course is recommended for students who have taken Secondary Math 3 Honors or Precalculus. It is recommended for students who intend to major in a STEM related field, but with a passing score will get students the math requirement that most other majors require.
AP Capstone™ is an innovative diploma program from College Board that equips students with the independent research, collaborative teamwork, and communication skills that are increasingly valued by colleges. AP Capstone is built on the foundation of two AP® courses—AP Seminar and AP Research—and is designed to complement and enhance the in-depth, discipline-specific study experienced in other AP courses.
In sophomore and junior year, AP Seminar, students investigate real-world issues from multiple perspectives, gathering and analyzing information from various sources in order to develop credible and valid evidence-based arguments. AP Seminar is a prerequisite for AP Research. Completing AP Seminar and all its required assessment components is necessary for students to develop the skills to be successful in AP Research.
In junior and senior year, AP Research, students cultivate the skills and discipline necessary to conduct independent research and inquiry in order to produce and defend their scholarly work.
AP Capstone Diploma
Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on four additional AP Exams of their choosing will receive the AP Capstone Diploma™.
AP Capstone earns 3 elective college credits for the Seminar course and 3 elective credits for the Research course.
Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research but not on four additional AP Exams will receive the AP Seminar and Research Certificate™.
2022-2023 is our inaugural year for the AP Capstone course. We are looking for enthusiastic sophomores who love learning and would like to participate in this new adventure.
Chemistry AP is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first year of college. This course is structured around the six big ideas articulated in the Chemistry AP curriculum framework provided by the College Board; structure of matter, properties of matter, chemical reactions, rates of chemical reactions, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. A special emphasis will be placed on the seven science practices, which capture important aspects of the work that scientists engage in, with learning objectives that combine content with inquiry and reasoning skills. This course is open to all students that have completed a year of chemistry who wish to take part in a rigorous and academically challenging course.
These courses place emphasis on the principles of computer science. Big ideas and concepts:
CTE Pathways: Construction & Structural Systems
English Language and Comp, AP (ENLIA)
Full Year, Grade: 11-12
1 Credit of EE
AP Language and Composition is a rigorous college level class. This class is designed to follow the freshman English course found at BYU and The U of U. The three fold ambition of the class is to prepare students for college writing, pass the AP Language and Composition test in the spring, and develop deep critical and analytical thinking. Passing the AP Language test will often open students up to additional college credits in writing intensive curriculums. Ask your college counselor for more information. Credits vary by college.
The anticipated workload for this class is 1 hour of homework weekly except the week preceding the due date of a formal paper then the expectation is 4 hours that week. We write 1 formal paper per term.
Advanced Placement Literature and Composition is a college freshman-level course that focuses on the analysis of imaginative canonical literature of the western world in order to help students develop and refine their reading skills, heighten their awareness of universal themes and their development within and among works, and enhance their analytical skill and its expression. Students should expect 2-3 hours of homework per week in addition to any outside reading requirements. By passing the AP Literature test with a 3, 4, or 5, students will earn their freshman level college English credit depending upon the college they attend. The University of Utah requires a score of 4. BYU grants elective credit for AP Literature and does not grant Freshman English credit. Colleges and universities change their requirements frequently for AP credit allocations. Students should check the latest information on college and university websites.
AP Environmental Science covers topics that pertain to the natural world, how it works, and humans’ effect on it. Some topics include: population, pollution, resource management, nutrient cycling and how each is connected to the other. This class requires up to 1 hour of homework a night, and has a large lab component. This course is an excellent option for any interested student who has completed one year of life science. Due to the quantitative analysis that is required in the course, students should be enrolled in at least Secondary Math 2. Concurrent Enrollment: UVU ENVT 1110 (Introduction to Environmental Science).
AP European History will take you on a tumultuous tour through the foundations of Western Culture. We will discuss some of the greatest art ever created, the most terrible wars ever fought, and mankind’s incredible revolutions and blunders. You will learn about people like Leonardo da Vinci, Martin Luther, Napoleon, and other less well-known but equally important figures. To cover all of this information it is expected that you attend a full year class with 2-3 hours of work a week outside of class time. This class looks great on college applications and you will be eligible to take the AP European History Test in May. for 3-6 hours of college credit (depending on the school). Come dive deeper into the history you think you know!
AP Government and Politics: The first semester concentrates on the foundations, structures, and political processes of the United States national government with special attention to individual rights and civic participation. The second semester studies the diverse political structures and practices of Great Britain, Nigeria, Iran, Russia, China, and Mexico. This class is for advanced students who are academically motivated and desirous of earning college credit while in high school. College credit can be earned by passing the United States Government & Politics AP test and/or the Comparative Government AP test given in May.
*when taken with AP US History the two AP tests replace the American Heritage credit at BYU and BYU-I,
*without AP US History, this replaces American Institutions at UVU and other Utah State schools.
*Total credits if passing BOTH tests = 6 credits
Avg. time spent outside of class: 30-60 mins per class period
AP Tests: you will be prepared to sit BOTH the AP US Government & Politics exam AND the AP Comparative Government & Politics exam.
The primary objective in learning French is proficiency. In AP French, intermediate-mid to intermediate-high level listening, reading, speaking, and writing competencies are emphasized and expected. Students demonstrate the ability to communicate well in French and understand a variety of AP topics. All tenses and grammatical functions will be practiced. Students will read a variety of authentic French texts and will also increase their understanding of French and Francophone history and culture. All AP French students prepare to take the Advanced Placement French Exam. This class is designed for college prep and college credit. Class will be conducted in French. This course may also be used for ALA English credit.
AP German consists of refining students’ reading, writing, speaking and listening skills to an advanced level. Students will also cultivate a deeper cultural awareness, in order to become global citizens by increasing their understanding of society and empathy for humanity. Students can expect to review topics, such as politics and religion, art and beauty, science and technology, etc., to explore the underlying issues, through the use of authentic materials and eventually developing argumentative thesis for essays and debates. AP German offers 5 extra hours of homework and review per week. The AP German class also goes on a field trip, just for this class only, to a fancy German restaurant to experience some fine dining culture. Students may earn a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 18 college credits, depending upon the institution.
Generally speaking AP Japanese is offered as the fourth year of high school Japanese language instruction. By the end of this course, students will have completed work equivalent to 300 hours of classroom instruction at the college level. This course focuses on communication dividing in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational modes.
AP Music Theory: This is a collegiate level course. The ultimate goal of an Advanced Placement Music Theory course is to develop a student’s ability to recognize, understand, and describe the basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a score. The focus of this class is to learn the music principles of the Common Practice Period upon which Western music is based. If a student cannot read the basics of music, such as note names of the treble and bass clefs, time signatures, and rhythm, they should not enroll in this course. Throughout the year the students will work to develop aural, sight-singing, written, compositional, and analytical skills. Students are expected to sing solos, notate melodies and harmonies they hear in addition to learning music theory. There will be homework each class period. Most students spend 30-60 minutes on homework assignments.
AP Physics is a math intensive science that looks at classical motion in the real world. Students will study topics including motion, mechanics, Newton’s Laws, forces and energy. This class has daily homework, and many hands-on laboratory experiments. This class differs from regular physics in that it is math intensive and will prepare you for a college level science or physics class. Regular physics is not a prerequisite to this class, however students taking this course should be comfortable with Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry. At the end of the year students will have the option of taking the AP Physics 1 Test.
AP Psychology is a year course which focuses on the following areas of study pertaining to human behavior; history of psychology, biology, sensation, learning, cognition, development, motivation, emotion, personality, abnormal behavior, and social psychology. This course is designed for students who have no prior experience with psychology, making it ideal for sophomores, as well as juniors and seniors. Since this is a college level course, students should expect approximately one hour of formal homework each class period. Three college credits can be earned by passing the AP test given in May.
In the AP Spanish Language and Culture class, we continue strengthening our communication skills in all areas of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and grammar. Our objective is to grow in proficiency according to the guidelines provided by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and to prepare for the AP Spanish Language Exam in May. In addition, part of our goals will include understanding and appreciating some of the various cultures that are associated with the Spanish language. To achieve these goals, we work daily in the five areas mentioned above. We also do specific practices for the AP Spanish Language exam so that you are very familiar with it before taking the exam. Class is held in Spanish for approximately 90-100% of the time. We also have oral presentations once a term and there is homework given after each class that can vary from 30 minutes to one hour.
AP Statistics is unlike any math class you’ve taken before! You will never have to factor or use sine or cosine! Instead, we explore practical graphs, tables, and data from real-life scenarios and in-class experiments. The things you learn in this class easily apply to your everyday life. This is the perfect class for students who have never taken an AP course before but want a taste of a fun college math course. Students should consider taking this class if they have excelled in Secondary Math 1, 2 and 3. This class will challenge you to think outside of the box and apply what you are learning. You can get credit for Introduction to Statistics (Stat 1040) if you pass the AP test at the end of the school year. Ask your current math teacher if this is the right class for you.
This is a full year course offered to allow academically talented students to develop writing and thinking skills ordinarily available only in course offerings at colleges. This course focuses on the political, social, and economic events which have made the US the most influential and powerful nation in the world with special emphasis upon depth in learning. College credit can be earned by passing the AP United States History test given in May.
The AP World History course is designed as an introductory level AP Social Studies course, specifically with sophomores in mind, though upperclassmen are welcome to attend. This course teaches students the skills necessary to succeed in AP US History, as well as any future college level history courses. Since this is a college level course, students should expect approximately one hour of formal homework each class period. The scope of the course focuses on the causes and consequences of global events from 1000 C.E. to the present; and 3 college credits can be earned by passing the AP World History: Modern test given in May.
To access the AP College-board, AP Classroom, and AP testing, click on the links below.
To register for a AP Classes at American Fork High School you will need to put that course in your class schedule when you register for school. After you register for the class at AFHS, you will need to complete the following steps below.
If you have a hard time registering for your AP Course on MyAP, please contact your AP Teacher or the AP Coordinator, Lindsey Cracroft for help.
We believe that all students who have a desire and want to take an AP Class to earn college credit should be able to with out any financial concern. We have committed resources to support student exam participation for those that need it. Please talk with your AP teacher about your financial needs. AP has a a reduced cost for those that meet the eligibility requirements.
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